Tuesday, April 22, 2008

i can see the stars from the gutter...

3 more days of classes.

then 5 days til my school year is academically over.

in that time, i need to write 20 more pages, create a model box, and perform 3 more scenes.

aside from that, i have one more quints gig, recording tomorrow night, my final program of the year.

this is starting to look doable. the year from hell is almost over...

and today we're having a "town meeting" with the dance/theatre dept. should be very interesting...since essentially this is my class pushing back at the teacher that has pushed for too long. i'd say teachers, but i'd be lying. we all know it's only one.

should be interesting.


Monday, April 21, 2008

you've got the love

the year is almost over. thank god.

and here's to my friends. and one or two people who have been more than friends.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

oh don't you know

too busy to breathe or sleep.

suffice it to say i've figured out some things about myself. the most important one is that i am not ready for a relationship. i want good old fashioned dating, where both parties go out and have a good time, but where there is no pressure for attachment. call me a commitment-phobe, but so it is. i've always thought it absurd for someone in my age group to be getting seriously involved anyway, and the last year has reinforced that and clarified some things for me. not to say i want to slut around; but i want to have fun with people without putting anyone under any pressure.

also. i'm going to learn to say no if it's the last thing i do. next year, i'm committed to only three things. my show, al's show and reslife. and if that's all i can handle at max output, then that's all i'm gonna do. realistically, i'll probably do one show, but i don't see myself being able to handle two...

time will tell. for now though, i'm gonna listen to a little bit of birdsong outside my window.

thank god for spring.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


finally made it to spring.

have some big thoughts to share. epiphanies, almost.

will do that later. for now, a shower, and then quad jam.
